Read insights and learnings from the team bringing your child the hands-on, educational investing experience you wish you had.

Why Investing* Early is a Game-Changer for Teens

August 12, 2024

Financial literacy is an essential life skill, and it's never too early to start learning about money. Investing can be a powerful tool for long term wealth building but also for learning a healthy approach to money and finances that will benefit you for life.

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Teach your Under-18 to Fish: Why Financial Literacy Beats an Allowance Alone

July 25, 2024

Let's face it: most under-18s love getting pocket money. It's their ticket to freedom, fun, and those must-have sneakers. But what if pocket money could be more than just spending money? What if it could be a stepping stone to financial independence?

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Empowering Young Investors: How to Teach Your Kids about Investing (with Drip's safety controls)

July 29, 2024

Want to teach your teen about investing but not sure where to start? You're not alone! Investing can seem intimidating and complex. But with the right guidance and tools, the learning experience can bring lifelong value. Here's how to get started:

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